
Dean Mas, moderator in a debate on the challenges surrounding social business

The event, organised by Social Business City Barcelona, was held at Palau Macaya.

The dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Marta Mas, was charged with moderating the debate entitled “Social Business: Challenges and Alliances", organised by Social Business City Barcelona at Palau Macaya.

Also present at the event were a series of professionals including Martin Habiague, from Espai Mescladís; Pere Serrasolses, from Biciclot; Joachim Englert, from Social Forest; and Mari Carmen Olaya, from Saó Prat. Together, they explored the dual goals of social business and economic viability, and whether they viewed these objectives as a threat or an opportunity. 

They also explained the lessons they have learned in their experience as social entrepreneurs and the mistakes they have taken note of during this time. Finally, attention shifted to ways in which universities can help improve social enterprises at both a teaching level and by promoting entrepreneurship.   

Other attendees included the director of the Yunus Social academic network, Ester Oliveras; the director of the Intermedia Foundation, Sònia Moragrega; and Rafael Chaves, from the International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC).