
A delegation from Yantai University in China visits UIC Barcelona

Last Monday UIC Barcelona hosted a visit from three delegates from Yantai University in China. The vice-president Zhang Wei, the director Ren Huijiang and the project manager of the international office, Wu Hongjun, held a meeting with the university with the aim of exploring potential opportunities for cooperation with the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.  

It is the first time that Yantai University has visited UIC Barcelona. According to José Antonio Benedicto, the Education Counselor at the Spanish Embassy to China, Yantai is “one of the best universities in the province of Shandong. Since it is a general state university it does not focus on specialising in one particular area but instead, like UIC Barcelona, has all different types of degree programmes”.  This local state university also receives support from two national universities that are larger and more well-known in China, Beijing University and Sichuan University. 

Yantai University is considered to be one of the best in the country in four fields: law, applied physics, pharmacy and IT. This university expects prospective students to have achieved a high mark in the university entrance examinations.