
The Dentsply Sirona - UIC Barcelona Chair focusing on interdisciplinary research in the dental sector has just been launched

The purpose of this new Chair is to promote research, training and publication activities.

The University and Dentsply Sirona, a role model at an international level in terms of research, development and clinical training in the field of Dentistry, have strengthened their cooperation through the creation of the new Dentsply Sirona - UIC Barcelona Chair. 
Directed by Dr Miguel Roig, head of the area of Restorative Dentistry in the Faculty of Dentistry, and Luis Pascual on behalf of Dentsply Sirona, the Chair was set up with aim of establishing cooperation and joint development between the two organisations.  In order to do so joint research, training and publication activities will be carried out, from an interdisciplinary point of view. It will cover the areas of Restorative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Periodontology, Surgery/Implants and Endodontics. 
One of the first activities that will be carried out is the Fellowship Project.  It will allow us to train national and international professionals to become role models in their research projects in each area, and thus contribute to the transfer of knowledge in the dentistry sector.  
A continuing education course entitled “Reconstructive Surgery Using Implants: management of Hard and Soft Tissue. Hands On with Animal Models and Human Cadavers” will also be promoted.  This course will allow all of the complex surgical techniques involved in advanced implant dentistry to be revised, so that professionals can keep their knowledge up to date.