
The Diccionari Jurídic coordinated by professor Serrano is the most recommended by CIFALC

The dictionary includes terms that belong to several disciplines within current law and, also, the history of law

The Diccionari Jurídic [Legal Dictionary] published by the Sociedad Catalana de Estudios Jurídicos [Catalan Society of Legal Studies], coordinated by professor Josep Serrano, has been recognised by the Catalan Inter-university Commission for Language Training and Certification (CIFALC), who has created a Catalan legal language certificate and recommends the Diccionari Jurídic as a work of interest for legal writing, in the first instance.

The dictionary is a project that begun in 1996, and Serrano has led it since 2005. Over the years since the beginning of the project, the Diccionari Jurídic has received support from the Government of Catalonia, Alter Mutua de los Abogados and, during the last stage before being open to the public in 2010, from Obra Social Catalunya Caixa.