
The Director of Nursing at UIC Barcelona gives the opening talk at the VII National Conference on Palliative Care Nursing

Cristina Monforte, Director of the department of Nursing and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIC Barcelona was appointed to give the opening talk at the VII National Conference on Palliative Care Nursing. Dr Monforte talked about the importance of promoting a culture in which palliative care takes on a key role.

In her paper entitled “Promoviendo una cultura de cuidado. Cuidarse para cuidar” [Promoting a culture of care. Caring for yourself so you can care] Dr Monforte placed particular emphasis on caring for patients, since human beings do need other human beings in order to survive. She also talked about the importance of educating people to raise awareness of the importance of this fact. The professor from the Faculty of Medicine concluded her talk with a quote from Lewis Carroll: “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others”.

Held on 9 and 10 March in the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid and organised by the Spanish Association of Palliative Care Nursing (AECPAL), the aim of this conference is to achieve progress in this area of the nursing profession based on expert knowledge.