
The director of Projects and Research for the Council of Pharmacists’ Associations of Catalonia patron at the graduation ceremony for the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy Dr Rafael Guayta-Escolias, director of Projects an

Dr Rafael Guayta-Escolias, director of Projects and Research for the Council of Pharmacists’ Associations of Catalonia, was asked to act as patron at the graduation ceremony for students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy. The event was also presided by Dr Caridad Bagur, vice-dean of Physiotherapy, and Dr Montserrat Girabent, assistant director of the Department of Physiotherapy.


The graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy took place in the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona on 2 June. Dr Caridad Bagur, director of the Department of Physiotherapy, opened the proceedings by welcoming the attendees and offering her sincere congratulations to the new graduates. Dr Bagur addressed the by then former students and stressed the discipline’s good bill of health. In her speech, the vice-dean reminded attendees that, “what began four years ago does not end here. I urge you to keep working with rigour and enthusiasm, lending force to the more human side of the profession and transmitting it to your patients. Continue to grow as both people and professionals. And never stop learning, as by doing so you will help contribute to the scientific advancement of physiotherapy and ensure our profession receives the recognition it so justly deserves.”

Following this address came the speech by the patron of the graduating class, Rafael Guayta-Escolias, who, drawing on his vast experience, explained the pros and cons to becoming a successful professional today. Guayta-Escolias, winner of the 2016 Josep Trueta Medal for merits in healthcare, reminded students that, “it is critically important to overcome difficulties, listen and give yourself to others and to yourselves. Be happy and confident, and share your happiness. Don’t forget that behind every good professional there's undoubtedly a person who does things with passion and loves their profession”.

This was followed by the award of diplomas and speeches by student representatives from both the degree and master’s degree programmes.

The event concluded with the traditional singing of "Gaudeamus Igitur”.