
The directors of OT discuss the secrets to the show’s success at the Communication Alumni reunion

On 10 April, Adan Bonet, the show’s director, and Ismael Agudo, musical coordinator for Operación Triunfo, shared the secrets to the television show’s success at the Faculty of Communication Sciences Alumni reunion.

The event began with a few words of welcome by Inmaculada Ortega, director of Alumni & Careers. Afterwards, Elisa Regadera, vice-dean of the Faculty, introduced the speakers and handed the floor over to the round table discussion moderated by lecturer Isabel Villanueva.

During their talk, Bonet and Agudo shared the reasons behind the success of the show Operación Triunfo, including the social media impact of the most recent edition. They also discussed the crucial role of the audience when it comes to creating content, preparing the shows and selecting the repertoire.

Spurred on by the attendees’ questions, the speakers also commented on the members of the jury, the criteria used to cast the contestants, the show’s international appeal and the role of the presenter and academy director. The guests also shared a number of previously unknown anecdotes.

Afterwards, all participants were treated to a glass of cava. The event was held as part of the “Come Together!” series of alumni reunions organised by Alumni & Careers.