
Doblecheck: our very own newsroom in the Faculty of Communication

We interview the coordinator of the project, Dr David Meseguer, and student Mar Martínez

A newsroom becoming part of the daily life of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. This is the aim of Doblecheck, a digital media platform created by and for students addressing any number of issues in a rigorous and professional manner; something they will take with them in their future careers. 

This is a project coordinated by Dr David Meseguer and which features regular contributions from students like Mar Martínez. We talked to them about the newsroom, which is open to all students in the Faculty.

1. What is the purpose of Doblecheck?
David Meseguer: It’s part of the strategy of UIC Barcelona to ensure that projects completed by our students are given visibility. On a number of occasions, pieces produced by our students in their subjects are just as impressive as content created by professionals actively working in the field. Before they would just be kept on the student’s computer and would never see the light of day. More than being a showcase for their work, Doblecheck complements learning since our work routine mirrors that of a professional news outlet.

2. What type of news pieces and/or reports can we read?
Mar Martínez: Our newsroom is split into four sections: Current affairs: with feature reports or news pieces on issues of real concern. In-depth: a section designated for reports. Radio and television: with projects produced in radio or television format. Creation: containing non-informative formats providing a space for stories, adverts or shorts.  

3. Which issues will you tackle this academic year?
M.M.: We are about to finalise a series of five interviews with war correspondents called the War Diaries. We also have a lot of interesting content which we hope we will be able to bring to fruition with the help of students wishing to take part in the project. 

4. Who takes part in this project?
D.M.: It’s open to all students in the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Although priority is given to budding journalists, there is also room for Advertising and Audiovisual Communication students. If students want to find out about or join Doblecheck, they can come by my office located in the Digital Media Studio or come to the editorial board meetings.

5. How do you organise what you will publish?
M.M.: 2 October was the first editorial board meeting for Doblecheck. From now on, they will take place every first Tuesday of the month. In these meetings we discuss the issues we would like to cover and divide the work up between the people wishing to take part.

6. Is the project compatible with the academic timetable?
D.M.: Taking part in the project is on a voluntary basis which means that it’s very flexible. What we would like to do is tell stories which our students can feel proud of and which will help them start to carve out their professional career.

7. How often will Doblecheck come out?
M.M.: Doblecheck will publish articles on a weekly basis. All of the students in the faculty will also regularly receive a newsletter with the latest news.  

8. Which channels will you post on?
M.M.: The pieces published can be read at www.doblecheckuic.es and they will also be posted on our two social media accounts: Instagram @doblecheck_uicbcn and Twitter @DoblecheckUIC. Brief summaries will be published on both platforms.