
Doctors Lourdes Macias and Joaquín Fagoaga present the second edition of the book ‘Fisioterapia en Pediatría’

The success of the publication demonstrates the great interest health professionals have in furthering their knowledge of this branch of Physiotherapy

On Friday 25 May, the Sant Cugat Campus hosted the presentation of the book Fisioterapia en Pediatría [Physiotherapy in Paediatrics], written by Dr Lourdes Macias and Dr Joaquín Fagoaga and published by the publishing house Editorial Médica Panamericana.

Though paediatric physiotherapy has been around for decades, paediatricians, nurses, families and educators have become increasingly mindful of this branch of Physiotherapy in recent years.  The new edition of the book, written by Dr Lourdes Macias and Dr Joaquín Fagoaga, directors of the University Master’s Degree in Paediatric Physiotherapy at UIC Barcelona and pioneers in the training and dissemination of this discipline in our country, includes up-to-date and highly practical content based on scientific evidence. In the words of Joaquín Fagoaga, “we are very proud to have contributed to the understanding and awareness of a field that is so important in our profession”.

On the other hand, Dr Macias, who also presides the Spanish Society of Paediatric Physiotherapy (SEFIP), pointed out that, “paediatric physiotherapists are becoming more prominent in a number of different settings –schools, hospitals, primary care centres, child development and early care centres–, making specific training more and more necessary”.

The event held to present the book Fisioterapia en Pediatría also featured Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Xavier Oliver, director of the Department of Physiotherapy and Dr Montserrat Girabent, academic manager for the University Master’s Degree in Paediatric Physiotherapy.