
Dr Agustina speaks at a congress on child pornography in the Dominican Republic

His presentation explored the criteria for interpreting and prosecuting crimes following the publication of Circular 2/2015 by the Spanish Prosecutor-General’s Office.


Dr José Ramón Agustina recently took part in the 2nd International Congress on Online Child Pornography in the Dominican Republic, organised by the local Prosecutor-General’s Office, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

In his speech, as director of the Master’s Degree in Cybercrime, the lawyer focused on the strategies for preventing the crimes of child pornography and sexting.

As part of the professional meeting held on 30 August, Dr Agustina discussed the criteria for interpreting and prosecuting crimes related to child pornography following the publication of Circular 2/2015 by the Spanish Prosecutor-General’s Office. Other speakers included the representative of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Dr Rosa Elcarte, and the Prosecutor-General of the Dominican Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez.