
Dr Albareda discusses environmental ethics in university teaching at the 1st Spanish Conference on Eco-Ethics

Dr Sílvia Albareda presented a paper entitled “Escenarios metodológicos para la promoción de la ética ambiental en la docencia universitaria” [Methodological scenarios for the promotion of environmental ethics in university teaching] at the 1st Spanish Conference on Eco-Ethics, held at the University of Alcalá de Henares on 19 and 20 October.

The paper reflects the findings of a practical study conducted in the university classroom. The research raises the question of whether teaching methodologies are suitable for developing competences in sustainability, taking as a starting point the initial stage of teacher training.

More specifically, through project-oriented learning and cooperative work, the students explored day-to-day issues linked to the promotion of peace, analysing the ethical repercussions of the decisions. 

Dr Albareda, who was also part of the conference’s scientific committee, concluded in her research that working with teaching-learning methodologies facilitates the acquisition of cross-disciplinary competences in sustainability, and encourages research and reflection based on real problems.