
Dr Alberto T. Estévez delivers a guest lecture at the University of Alcalá

Professor Alberto T. Estévez, vice-rector/general manager of UIC Barcelona, recently gave a guest lecture at the University of Alcalá, in which he discussed Biodigital Architecture and genetics as applied to Architecture, in accordance with his own lines of research. The conference was organised by the School of Architecture at the University of Alcalá as part of the Seminar on Bionic Architecture, which took place from 3-5 April.

Alberto T. Estévez holds a PhD in Architecture and a PhD in Art History. He is architect, designer and art historian and has run his own professional studio in Barcelona since 1983. He is currently vice-rector/general manager of UIC Barcelona, director of the University Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture and professor in Architectural Design, Architectural Composition and Art History at the ESARQ-School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona.