
Dr Carmen Mendoza Arroyo takes part in the 20th Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial

Dr Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, assistant director of the ESARQ - School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona, director of the Area of Urbanism and assistant director of the Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture at UIC Barcelona, was asked to take part in the 20th Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial.

Dr Mendoza will present her socio-spatial approach to informal settlement upgrading.

The Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial is an initiative of the Chilean Architects Association, in collaboration with the Association of Architecture Offices and the Network of Schools of Architecture and Urbanism in Chile. Under the title “Urgent Dialogues”, this year’s biennial aims to stand as a repository for ideas, projects, initiatives and works committed to airing social, political and environmental concerns. The event will display the work of over 150 architects, researchers, activists, political institutions and universities from around the world.

It is due to take place from 26 October to 8 November in the Valparaiso Cultural Park in Chile.