
Dr Fuentes presents his new book at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona

The book is entitled Josep Domènech y Estapà (1858-1917), entre la ciencia y la arquitectura

On 2 May, the PhD in Art History and UIC Barcelona lecturer Sergio Fuentes presented his new book Josep Domènech y Estapà (1858-1917), entre la ciencia y la arquitectura (Josep Domènech y Estapà (1858-1917): Between Science and Architecture) at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona. 

The presentation was attended by the vice-president of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dr Gerard Gómez i Muntané, and its conservator, the architect Dr Carles Buxadé i Ribot.

Following the presentation, Dr Fuentes gave a talk about the man and the work that were the subject of his book.