
Dr Jasmina Berbegal recently undertook a research visit to Berkeley to look in-depth into the study of clusters of urban innovation

Dr Jasmina Berbegal, a Professor from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona, recently undertook a three month research at the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship in the Haas School of Business (University of California Berkeley). This visit was sponsored by the Fulbright Committee, within the mobility programme abroad for young "José Castillejo” doctors awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. 

Photo of the Haas School of Business. University of California, Berkeley.

The visit is framed within a research project set up by the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) with the aim of looking further in-depth into the study of clusters of urban innovation.  The project covers the analysis, comparison and modelling of different urban innovation models, taking evidence from different parts of the world as a starting point (e.g. Atlanta, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Cleveland, Stockholm, London, Medellin, Montreal, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, Seoul, and Toronto). The final objective is to obtain an overall impression of its design, implementation and impact on the territory, with the aim of designing policies that promote the creation of urban areas that are highly innovative and capable of boosting the productive development that cities need that is also financially sustainable.

The Lester Center for Entrepreneurship is an internationally recognised centre in the field of innovation and the creation of companies.  Founded in 1991, it is part of the Haas School of Business. The academic and research excellence it has achieved is demonstrated through the positions it achieves year after year in university rankings.  The theme of this research project is perfectly aligned with the line of research led by Professor Jerome S. Engel, who is an international role model in the area of modelling clusters of innovation.