
Dr Jiménez analyses the ideological positions of four newspapers on religion in public life

The article has been published in the journal DOXA comunicación, quartile 2 InRESC and in CIRC

Dr Ricardo Jiménez has analysed the ideological position of four Spanish newspapers in terms of how their editorial pages represent religion in everyday life. 

Specifically, he has assessed how the framing elements and functions and master frames for the keywords “Benedict XVI” and “full veil” have been dealt with in the editorial pages of El País, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Periódico. The article has deservedly been published in the journal DOXA comunicación, quartile 2 InRESC and in CIRC.

Jiménez explains that “in representing catholic religion, the editorial pages analysed unveil ideological positions which are radically different, with the sharpest polarisation being observed between El País and ABC, and a less partisan slant, though sometimes more blurred, in La Vanguardia and El Periódico”. 

However, Dr Jiménez reveals that “in the representation of the use of the veil and, by extension, important aspects related to Islam, ABC and El País are somewhat vaguer. As a final remark, he notes that “although the pluralistic journalism of La Vanguardia and El Periódico has a more blurred ideological position as to the use of the veil, different nuances on how this piece of clothing is dealt with in each of these newspapers have been observed.