
Dr Jiménez participated in an international conference on discourse methods employed by politicians

The talk given by the professor was entitled "Speeches in the eye of the storm: Torra, Arrimadas and Domènech"

One of our professors from the Faculty of Law, Dr Ricardo Jiménez, recently participated in a conference entitled “In the name of the people: representing the people in twenty-first century politics" held at the University of Navarra, in Pamplona, from 22 to 24 November. 

The talk given by the professor was entitled " Speeches in the eye of the storm: Torra, Arrimadas and Domènech", which dealt with the study of three speeches from the parliamentary plenary session in the Catalan parliament on the day of the investiture of President Quim Torra, on 12 May 2018.  “Using statistical analysis in my study meant that I was able to reveal how the categories used by the various actors converged in relation to a specific topic” stated Jiménez.  

The aim of this international conference is to open up a debate on the discourse of the people through the discourse of new political parties and movements in Europe, through samples taken from a broad range of experts in political discourse and multimodal analysis, as well as a study of political media and communication.