
Dr Jordi Gargallo returns from a research stay at the University of Michigan

Dr Jordi Gargallo, lecturer in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and director of the International Master’s degree in Oral Surgery, has returned from a year-long research stay in the Department of Periodontics at the University of Michigan.

The research was carried out in Dr William Giannobile and Dr Hom-Lay Wang’s team. Over the course of the year, Dr Gargallo led a number of research projects. Some particularly noteworthy projects included: a project on bone regeneration of the maxilla prior to fitting dental implants, a project on the regeneration of gingival tissue surrounding the implants in cosmetically important areas and a study using fibroblasts to assess the biocompatibility of new materials.

Moreover, he developed and led a cross-disciplinary clinical study in patients fitted with implants. He was also able to actively participate in activities organised by the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry and the Master’s degree in Periodontics. He gave a number of talks, he participated in clinical sessions and literature reviews as well as supporting students’ clinical practice.

In Dr Gargallo’s own words, “the research stay at the most important Faculty of Dentistry in the United States has allowed me to gain new knowledge and experience in the fields of teaching, research and university administration”.