
Dr José Nart and Dr Núria Vallcorba participate in an “Interdisciplinary summit on periodontal health and general health” organised by the Spanish Foundation for Periodontology and Dental Implants (SEPA)

Barcelona recently brought together dentists, dental hygienists, gynaecologists, endocrinologists, GPs, pharmacists and patients to launch a united message about the need to make public the strong link between general health and gum health, during a pioneering forum in Europe. 

Dr José Nart, director of the area of Periodontics at UIC Barcelona, and Dr Núria Vallcorba, a professor from this same area and Honourable Patron of the SEPA Foundation, participated in this important meeting in the scientific and clinical field. The summit brought together numerous healthcare professionals who share the objective of seeking to achieve interdisciplinarity, while setting up preventative healthcare plans and joint care.

As part of this event, the Catalan Society of Dentistry and Stomatology in the Academy of Medical Science and Health of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands made their support for this initiative public, since it is an initiative that aims to forge a stronger connection between general health and oral health.