
Dr José Nart, elected member of the Osteology Foundation's Expert Council

Dr José Nart, a lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona, was recently named member of the Osteology Foundation's Expert Council. This institution promotes research, education and cooperation between universities and industry in the regeneration of oral and maxillofacial tissues. 


With a view to making new techniques and products accessible to professionals more quickly and in a more goal-oriented manner, the Foundation has established three committees: the Science Committee, Education Committee and Communication Committee. All three are made up of members who are responsible for defining, developing and implementing projects on behalf of the institution.

The Expert Council in Osteology was established in 2010 to expand the Osteology Foundation's international network and promote inter-university partnerships. Its members are a valuable part of the Foundation and the driving force behind the three committees' new and innovative projects.