
Dr Josep Clotet delivers the conference ‘If today we have science, tomorrow we will have therapies’, to commemorate the feast day of Saint Albert the Great

The conference, given by Dr Josep Clotet, president of the Catalan Biology Society and full professor in the Department of Basic Sciences, demonstrated the importance of basic research to the advancement of health sciences.

Held on the feast day of Saint Albert the Great, the patron saint of science and scientists, the conference focused on the key role of basic research in the field of health. Using several examples, Dr Clotet stressed the idea that the biggest breakthroughs in the treatment of disease have come about unexpectedly as the result of scientific curiosity. To conclude, Dr Clotet argued that curiosity and a desire to learn more are the true driving forces of progress in current therapies.

The event was attended by numerous researchers and students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.