
Dr Lluís Giner and Dr María Arregui present a poster at the “Shaping the Future of Dental Education” conference

The Faculty of Dentistry attended a recent edition of the “Shaping the Future of Dental Education” conference, organised by the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) and the American Dental Association (ADEA).  This year this title of the conference was: “Global strategy in dental education: EBP, research and new methodologies”. The Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr Lluís Giner, and Dr María Arregui, along with the Academic Director of the Faculty, Ms Imma Puga, gave a presentation on the impact that new technologies, virtual reality and methodologies such as evidence-based practice have had on dental education. 

The poster was presented under the Impact of scientific and technological advances category, one of the four categories the conference was divided into, the other categories were Global Networking, Inter-professional education and Assessment in a global context.

The conference, held in London, brought together professionals from 48 countries with the aim of exchanging ideas and finding elements that are of common interest with which to provide a response to the changes occurring in dental education at an international level.