
Dr Lluís Giner and Dr Sandra Fernández and Dr María Arregui present four research projects under the categories of education, adhesions and cariology at the International Association for Dental Research Conference

The recent edition of the conference organised by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), focused on the field of dentistry research, involved participation from representatives of the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona. 

The Dean of the Faculty, Dr Lluís Giner, accompanied by Dr Sandra Fernández, Institutional Vice-Dean, Dr María Arregui and professor Guillermo Rocafort travelled to Vienna to present four research projects at the conference in poster format. 

Under the category of education, Dr Fernández presented a poster entitled “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour regarding the Evidence-based approach to Dentistry: a survey among Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Spain) dental students”, while professor Rocafort did the same with his study entitled “Teaching head and neck anatomy without cadaveric dissection: is that the future?”, which is related to the doctoral thesis he is currently undertaking.  Dr Giner presented a project entitled “Evaluation of different parameters of two salivary tests” in the cariology category, and Dr Arregui presented a poster entitled “Shear bond strength between Biodentine and composite using three adhesive systems” under the adhesions category.