
Dr Marta Mas, new Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Dr Marta Mas, who until now was Vice-Dean of the Faculty, became the new Dean of the Faculty on 4 October, the day of the opening ceremony for the academic year. 

The change happened as a result of the new members appointed to the UIC Barcelona Board of Governors.  The former Dean, Dr Toni Mora, will now hold the position of Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at UIC Barcelona.

Dr Marta Mas holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Business Organisation from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC).  She is the author of two books, around thirty research articles and has worked on five research projects.

Dr Toni Mora will continue to teach the subjects he had already planned to teach in the faculty.