
Dr Miquel Roig and Dr Miquel Clotet, newly appointed full professors at UIC Barcelona

Professors Miquel Roig and Josep Clotet both defended the position of full professor at UIC Barcelona this week.  Dr Rojo defended a place in the Restorative Area- Endodontics in the Faculty of Dentistry and Dr Clotet in the area of Cell and Molecular Biology, in the Department of Basic Science at UIC Barcelona. Both Rojo and Cloter thus received the highest academic recognition at a university level, after having achieved academic, professional, teaching and research honours.

Dr Miquel Roig holds a degree and a PhD in Medicine from the University of Barcelona and is a specialist in Stomatology.  He is Head of the Area of Dental Restoration and Endodontics at UIC Barcelona and Visiting Professor at Southeastern University (Florida, United States) and Honorary Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Warwick (United Kingdom).

Dr Josep Clotet holds a degree and a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has worked in the Francesc Posas Laboratory at Pompeu Fabra University and was formerly Director of the Department of Basic Science in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIC Barcelona. Since October he has been Vice-Rector for Staff Management at the same university. His field of research is the cell cycle and signalling in saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast.