
Dr Montserrat Gas, member of the panel of experts on religious freedom at the OSCE

The vice-dean of the Faculty of Law and Director of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies, Dr Montserrat Gas has been chosen to collaborate for the next three years on the panel of experts on freedom of religion and belief of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) based in Warsaw. The mandate begun on June 1.

ODIHR’s work in the area of freedom of religion and belief is centred on advising the States, religious groups and the civil society of OECD member countries on promoting freedom of religion and belief.

The panel is formed by 12 members who are independent experts and specialists in the area of Human Rights and religious freedom, from OECD member countries. The Office for Human Rights is based in Warsaw.

The panel’s responsibilities include tasks such as reviewing legislation, at the Governments’ request, so that it conforms to OECD commitments and international standards; giving advice as experts on freedom of religion and belief; and promoting the development and application of OECD commitments in this area.