
Dr Montserrat Gas takes part in an international conference on the family in Russia

One of the main topics of the congress was the role of the father within the family.

The international conference “The Family in the Third Millennium: Crisis or Evolution”, organised by professor Irina Cheremisova, director of the Department of Psychology at Volgograd State University (VoISU), was held on 2 November.

The organisers invited Montserrat Gas, director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies, to take part online with a video in which she shared with the rest of the speakers and attendees the work done by the Institute and its main lines of research.

The coordinator of the Postgraduate Degree in Marriage and Family Education in Russia, Kateryna Tsikhomska, presented the programme and discussed the results obtained last year with the programme’s first graduating class.

The conference also included presentations on studies concerning the state of the family in Russia, with particular focus on paternity and ways of strengthening the role of the father in the family, economic activity and their children’s education, along with psychological aspects of family consultancy.

The event unfolded in a climate of trust and mutual collaboration between the students, while the teachers on hand helped facilitate the exchange of experiences. Consequently, the Faculty of Psychology and the Institute for Advanced Family Studies have agreed to work together to promote and strengthen family ties, with the aim of creating robust societies capable of facing the challenges of the future, caring for the elderly and educating younger generations.