
Dr Mut analyses the challenges of the Iberoamerican region at the University of Miami

Legal problems and the inability for this region to achieve an international impact were also covered by Dr Mut, who proposed a more pragmatic and proximate model, such as the Commonwealth one. 

What are the challenges of the Iberoamerican region?  Can it take full advantage of its potential?  Which model should be used as a role model?  These issues and others were tackled by Dr María Mut in a conference organised at the University of Miami.

In her talk: “Legal problems and challenges in the Iberoamerican region as well as the inability for this region to achieve an international impact” Dr Mut, from the Faculty of Law, analysed the main legal causes that have impeded the creation of a more pragmatic and proximate model, such as the Commonwealth one. 

Dr Mut believes that the current model lacks a legal international personality and flexibility in terms of policies.  In her talk at the University of Miami, she underlined the need to simplify and coordinate the various organisations and bodies in the Iberoamerican area, as well as the lack of cooperation in terms of commercial and economic matters.  For all these reasons, Dr Mut suggested looking more towards the model that exists in the United Kingdom.