
Dr Sara Hernández undertakes a postdoctoral stay at the University of California in San Francisco

Dr Sara Hernández, Head of the Area of Molecular and Cell Biology in the Department of Basic Sciences at UIC Barcelona has undertaken a four month postdoctoral stay at the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF).  During this period, Dr Hernández worked as a visiting researcher with Dr Kevan Shoko, Head of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at the UCSF, a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry on several occasions.

One of the main reasons for her stay was to learn a technique to apply in research projects on cancer which are being undertaken at UIC Barcelona funded by the TV3 Marató (a Catalan television fundraising competition). The technique she learned, called chemical genetic screening, is used to identify the substratum of a protein. The research stay undertaken by Dr Hernández will also lead to the publication of an article, as a result of this cooperation.