
Dr Vanessa Ruiz, a new academic in the Academy for Diplomacy in the Spanish Kingdom.

Our lecturer from the Faculty of Dentistry received this prestigious appointment as a result of her professional and academic merits as a member of the teaching body at UIC Barcelona and at the University of Padova.

On 15 March, Dr Vanessa Ruiz, a lecturer in the field of Periodontology, joined the Academy for Diplomacy in the Spanish Kingdom during an event held in Seville.  Along with Dr Ruiz, a further nine academics from the fields of science, business, and diplomacy were appointed members. 

The Academy for Diplomacy in the Spanish Kingdom is an institution linked to the diplomatic world, but open to people from other professions related to the diplomatic world, international relations, companies, culture and protocol. By appointing new academics, the institution aims to recognise their professional and academic merits.

Dr Vanessa Ruiz was also accompanied by Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Elisa Sanagustín, the academic officer for the same Faculty.