
Dr Vicenç Sarrablo coordinates the monograph "Ceramic Innovations", the latest edition of the scientific publication Informes de la Construcción, in which all members of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture's LITEIS Research Group took part

Dr Vicenç Sarrablo, lecturer in the School of Architecture, director of the Technical Area and director of the Barcelona Ceramics Chair, coordinated the latest edition of the well-known scientific publication Informes de la Construcción, a point of reference for scientific research in architecture, under the title "Ceramic Innovations".

This monograph involved all members of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture's Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Industrialised and Sustainable Construction (LITEIS) Research Group, which, in addition to the coordinator, Dr Vicenç Sarrablo, include Dr Jordi Roviras, professor of Architectural Construction and member of the Barcelona Ceramics Chair; Dr Jaume Armengou, vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations at UIC Barcelona; Dr Felipe Pich-Aguilera, professor of Design Studio and director of the Chair in Industrial Construction and the Environment (CEIM); Pau Casaldàliga, professor of Sustainability and coordinator of the CEIM Chair; Dr Juan Trías de Bes, lecturer and director of Projects and the HardQware Chair; and Dr Pedro Casariego, assistant director of Academic Affairs and Teaching Staff at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

This edition's participants also included architects who took part in the lecture series entitled "Design, Industry and Innovation: Ceramics Applied to Architecture", which was organised by the School of Architecture's Barcelona Ceramics Chair and took place at the Design Museum of Barcelona between September and November 2016. The participating architects were: Jesús Olivares and Miguel Ródenas, from COR Asociados Arquitectos; Philippe Block, director of the Block Research Group at ETH Zurich; and Martin Bechthold, professor of Architectural Technology at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), director of the Doctor of Design Programme and co-director of the Master's Degree in Design Engineering at Harvard University

The main premise of this monograph is to provide architects, engineers and designers information on the latest developments in ceramic materials through a selection of articles geared towards the two main industrial sectors: the brick and tile sectors, a rare alliance in the publishing world which expands the range of innovations.