
Dreaming up plans: the world is for those who dream

Ricardo Díez is a Dentistry alumnus and is now doing a Master’s degree in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry, also at our university. He is doing so while combining it with a job in a clinic owned by the very first Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr Miquel Cortada. This year Ricard was literally the face of the new advertising campaign entitled “Your dreams are our objectives”.

They say that the world is for those who are tired and yet still fight on. They fight because every day they have new dreams.  “It is important to dream in order to triumph in life and change the world”, Ricardo admits: “It is partly because of these dreams that we are able to overcome new and larger barriers to our motivation”. To leave the dangerous “comfort zone” behind.

Ricardo’s dreams when he started out were very clear: “My professional objective was to have finished my degrees and have completed a PhD before I was 30. And in terms of my personal life, to be married”. These were not empty words and they have partially come true: “Life is so rich that it has already brought us our first child, Javier: this has made me re-think the need for a PhD and I still have another couple of years to go to open myself up to new ideas”.

“People make plans but God has the last word” ... In reality sometimes life carries you along other paths but if you don’t start off by dreaming and setting new objectives, then things don’t go well. And Ricardo, who admits with a smile from ear to ear that he still lives in cloud cuckoo land, has not stopped setting challenges for himself.  “Now myself and my family share these challenges, since that is where my head is”, but he is always looking forward.  “I still have a lot of room to grow professionally speaking. I need to continue to improve myself as a dentist, I still aim to do the PhD, to eventually set up a clinic..., all of that was just cloud cuckoo land: now it is starting to become a reality”.

Ricardo’s life is not different to that of other people.  It is the life of a dreamer who decided to make his dreams a reality, starting at UIC Barcelona.