
Eduard Martorell publishes a book on zoological peculiarities

Eduard Martorell, a Professor of Biology from the Faculty of Education, has published a book on the peculiarities of the animal world. 100 curiositats zoològiques was illustrated by Gábor Somssich. The drawings were done in simple black pen, one for each species featured in the book.

Who has not asked questions about the behaviour and phenomena related to other animals?  100 curiositats zoològiques was designed to answer these questions.  The aim of this publication is to describe the logic behind complex and curious animal life in a simple and didactic way.

The book is suited to all types of readers.  In the words of Martorell, "The simplicity of the language used means that people of any age who are interested in zoology can read the book without any difficulties.  It could also be useful for many education professionals to help them teach their lessons in a more interdisciplinary way through exemplification".

The book was presented on 1 March in the Altaïr bookshop in Barcelona, where the drawings by Somssich were also exhibited for a week.