
Education students depict the legend of Saint George for #UICSocialDay at the Estimia Foundation

A group of UIC Barcelona students from the Faculty of Education wrote and prepared a short play to be performed at the Estimia Foundation. It was part of "Mission Dragon" for the #UICSocialDay that took place recently.

When the chief representative for Primary Education, Joan Marty, explained what the #UICSocialDay was all about, many were keen to take part. They did so through "Mission Dragon" which involved visiting the Estimia Foundation and the Finestrelles Foundation to carry out activities for people with disabilities appropriate to the date - St. George's Day (Sant Jordi in Catalan).

A week before, the students began preparing a short play to perform at the Estimia Foundation. Taking part were first year students from both Pre-School Education and Primary Education. During the lead-up they made costumes and some elements of stage decoration. They also had time to do some rehearsals to ensure the performance was the best it could possibly be.

Everything went like clockwork, but for Saint George, the princess, the dragon, the king and especially the audience, the play was all too short and so, by popular demand, they performed it all over again. Primary Education student Ángela Juncosa said: "It was a really good experience that helped us to get involved in other similar events. That's how you come to realise it's often more about what you get out of them than what you put in".