
Education students drive teaching innovation with projects on programming and robotics


Students from the bachelor's degrees in Primary and Pre-Primary Education have used Scratch programming language to develop educational maths games and health-based educational games, respectively, with a view to providing innovative solutions for in-class learning and using gamification as a motivational tool. 

This initiative, developed as part of the subjects Didactics of Mathematics and Childhood, Health and Nutrition, was possible thanks to a Teaching Innovation Grant from the Puig Foundation, which lecturers Mónica Fernández and Eva Perdiguero received last year. Thanks to this grant, programming and robotics projects have been integrated into a number of different subjects, including the first-semester subject Mathematics and Experimental Sciences.

In today's context, in which research groups from different parts of the world are intent on proving the brain does not learn through discourse, the Faculty of Education has taken steps to promote new learning methods and share them with students. According to lecturer Eva Perdiguero, the aim of this activity is "to design and programme the game and develop computational thought and digital competence."

Altogether, the Primary Education students will develop six group projects, while those from Pre-Primary Education will carry out four. Each participant will have a role in these projects, which will consist of creating a game linked to the experience of gamification. All the groups kept a daily record of their projects on Twitter and Instagram, making it possible to track the games' development: Fibonacci (@lasfibonaccis), Magic Seeds (@llavorsmagiques), Kinders (@uickinders) Bichichis (@bichichis & cia), Orange (@orangeuic) and Cybermathics (@cibermathics).

On 4 May, the students from Primary Education will present their projects in the second edition of the GAMATIC Awards, which will take place in the Faculty's Auditorium. The Pre-Primary Education students will present theirs on 10 May.