
Education students run robotics workshops for nursery school children

Over the course of an entire day, third year Pre-Primary Education students from UIC Barcelona ran workshops on mathematics and natural sciences for 3-5 year-olds from the Escuela Pia Luz Casanova. The workshops were conducted using Service Learning (SL), which combines skills, values and robotics.

Students produced teaching guides in response to the specific needs of each pupil at the school during the first term as part of the subjects of Learning Natural Sciences and Mathematics, coordinated by lecturers Carmen Balaguer, Eva Perdiguero and Maite Fuertes.

As Professor Fuertes explained, “integrating service objectives with those to do with learning has paved the way for a combination of environmental and robotic materials so that designs worked on as part of the course can be put into practice”.

This project, combining theory and practice, was made possible thanks to the UIC Barcelona collaboration agreement with the Escuela Pia Luz Casanova and to the Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant, awarded nearly a year ago to the research group led by lecturers Mónica Fernández and Eva Perdiguer.