
Eight businesses search for talent at UIC Barcelona on Recruitment Day

Around 70 students and recent graduate alumni took part in the first ever Recruitment Day yesterday, which was organised by Alumni & Careers.

The event began with a welcome speech from the director of Alumni & Careers, Inmaculada Ortega. The director briefly explained how the event would work. First, representatives from different companies would each present their internal organisation and their open vacancies, from the perspective of their sector. The vacancies ranged from internships to ready to enter job positions, in many cases, on Graduate Programmes. 

After every presentation, a list was read of the candidates chosen by the company from the students who had sent in their applications. Once all the presentations were finished, the companies separated into different classrooms where the recruiters personally interviewed each one of the chosen students. 

Over the following days, candidates will find out if they have been selected. The chosen students will then go through to the next round of interviews at the company headquarters. 

The companies that took part in the first edition of the Recruitment Day were: Adidas, Danone, EY, MediaMarket, Leroy Merlin, Banco Mediolanum, MRW and Uniqlo. The companies were looking for profiles from social fields, so students and alumni from the faculties of Economics and Social Sciences, Law, Humanities, Communication Sciences and Education were invited. 

This is one of the initiatives being led by the Careers & Alumni service to promote professional opportunities for both students and alumni and boost their professional careers. Similar activities that have been carried out include the Career Tools sessions led by each faculty.