
An electronic cigarettes project is awarded funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

A project on the use of electronic cigarettes, directed by Dr José María Martínez, Head of the Area of Biostatistics at UIC Barcelona, has received funding from the Healthare Research Fund in the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, which depends on the Ministry for the Economy and Competitiveness.  The Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), The Institute of Biomedical Research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL) and the Department of Health in the Catalan Government are also participating in the three-year project. 

This project is entitled Patrón de uso, aceptabilidad y percepción de riesgo de los cigarrillos electrónicos: estudio prospectivo de cohortes con biomarcadores [Patterns in the use, acceptability and risk perception of electronic cigarettes: a prospective cohort study with biomarkers]. The aim behind the project is to identify patterns in the use of electronic cigarettes in the city of Barcelona, to describe the perception of risk attached to it and the reasons for using this product.  Dr Martínez also aims to analyse the impact of electronic cigarettes on the consumption of conventional tobacco, characterise the levels of propylene and its main metabolite propylene glycol, in user’s urine and saliva. He also aims to compare the levels of cotinine, nicotine and carcinogens in the urine and saliva of users of electronic cigarettes as compared to users of conventional cigarrettes.