
End of the 2016 Teaching Evaluation Committee Call

The VIII Call for Teaching Evaluation ended last month. The call involved evaluating the teaching of UIC Barcelona lecturers and professors, based on the guidelines set out in the Docentia Evaluation Manual. 

The overall results in terms of percentages are: 24% obtained a “highly favourable” rating, 69% a “favourable” rating, 7% a “moderately favourable” rating, and none received an “unfavourable” rating.

Overall, 324 professors and lecturers have now undergone evaluation throughout all the calls so far. Once again this year the Committee consisted of UIC Barcelona professors and lecturers, as well as external lecturers, students and alumni members.

This was the first call that implemented the Docentia Evaluation Manual, which has been accredited by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).