
End of the first stage of our study on Intergenerational Solidarity

Last November we began a research project entitled “Intergenerational Solidarity in the Family”.  In order to tackle this project, in May 2016 the IESF signed an agreement with the Centro de Ateneo Studi e ricerche sulla familia in the Università Cattolica di Milano (UNICATT) with the aim of undertaking research activities together in the field of family intergenerational solidarity. 

The study involves two stages, one at a national  level (Intergenerational Solidarity within the Family in Spain) and another comparative part of the same research project undertaken in Italy (Intergenerational Solidarity within the Family: a comparative study between Italy and Spain).  

Based on a validated questionnaire consisting of 99 questions and aimed at a representative sample of the Spanish population between 65 and 74 years old, this project is framed within the IsFamily Santander Chair. The data analysis, 608 records in total, will be the starting point for various publications by the IESF team.

The IsFamily Santander Chair promotes studies from a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspective within the framework of the transfer of resources between generations within the family.  The projects that are undertaken as part of the Chair’s activities focus on the fields of education, care and the economy, and family resilience and the life-work balance are analysed as cross-disciplinary cornerstones in this issue.