
Enric Masdevall, founder and president of Dentaid, patron of the Faculty of Dentistry’s new graduating class

“The values that define you as people will also define you as dentistry professionals”. With these words, the patron of the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry and the various Dentistry-related master’s and postgraduate degrees, Enric Masdevall, sought to impress upon the new graduates the philosophy he has followed throughout his professional career

On 19 July, the gardens on the Sant Cugat Campus hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Faculty of Dentistry, as well as the investiture of new doctors. This year, the person serving as patron of the class of 2018 was Enric Masdevall, founder and president of Dentaid.
Also present at the event were the new graduates’ lecturers, family members and friends. Dr Lluís Giner, dean of Faculty of Dentistry, was charged with welcoming the attendees and offered a few words to the by that point graduates. After congratulating them, the dean of the Faculty reminded them of “the importance of viewing the person as a unit in order to provide comprehensive treatment and offer better care”. He also encouraged them to “always set aside time to refresh knowledge, as staying up-to-date in this profession is essential”.
Dr Giner then passed the floor over to Enric Masdevall, founder and president of Dentaid, an international family business that began in Barcelona and has become a leader in the oral health sector. In his lecture, Mr Masdevall, who boasts extensive personal and professional experience, shared with the new graduates the keys to success of the project he started thirty years ago: “what drives us, like at UIC Barcelona, is our call to improve oral health and a firm commitment to science and research”. Masdevall told the new alumni to “always be professional, as the values that define you as people will also define you as dentistry professionals”.
These words were followed by the awarding of diplomas and speeches by student representatives from the bachelor’s, postgraduate and master’s degrees, after which the new doctors were invested.
Finally, after a few words by Dr Lluís Giner, the event concluded with the traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.