
Esther Jiménez publishes a book about how to successfully combine your personal and professional life

“Integrar la vida” is the title of the book which the dean of the Faculty of Education co-authored, along with Nuria Chinchilla and Pilar García-Lombardía. 

When do we stop prioritising our professional life over our personal life?  What is the role that encompasses your family, partner, work and a social life?  Often we ask ourselves what the right formula is to achieve a good work-life balance. The book Integrar la vida, co-authored by Esther Jiménez, has now provided an answer to these questions. 

The book provides a series of practical exercises to guide the reader towards a balance in terms of what is most important to you in life: your partner, family, work and your social life.  The aim is to achieve a good balance and harmony.  

The book was published by Ariel, was co-authored by Nuria Chinchilla and Pilar García-Lombardía, and goes on sale on 26 April.  It is a book which, as the authors explained themselves, allows you to reflect in order to learn about each person’s individual mission in order to be consistent with it and faithful to it.  They maintain that all of the various elements can therefore come together, as well as take on meaning and significance, thereby providing spiritual and physical satisfaction.