
An evaluation team from the Association for Dental Education in Europe visits the Faculty of Dentistry

Experts from the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) recently visited the Sant Cugat Healthcare campus as well as the facilities and laboratories in the Faculty of Dentistry to evaluate the quality of the various courses that are taught there. 

The Dean, Dr Lluís Giner, along with some other members of the Faculty Board, accompanied the ADEE delegation.  After learning at first-hand about the teaching system in the Faculty and its facilities, the evaluation team gave a highly positive evaluation of key aspects of how to achieve accreditation such as the ADEE LEADER SCHOOL in the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry. They also highlighted the commitment of the full Faculty team in terms of teaching, the quality of the facilities, the students’ passion for dentistry and the clear desire to innovate through the clinical trials undertaken at the University Dental Clinic.

The Association for Dental Education in Europe is a European role model in the field of education. Founded in 1975, it is an independent organisation that represents dentistry and the community of dental educators at an academic level, with the aim of guaranteeing the quality of the courses taught in Europe that meet the standards set out in its ow detailed excellence programme.