
Extensive representation of physiotherapists from UIC Barcelona at the 12th Congress of the Catalan-Balearic Society of Physiotherapy

A large contingent of teaching staff from UIC Barcelona’s Department of Physiotherapy participated with lectures, posters and scientific papers at the 12th Congress of the Catalan-Balearic Society of Physiotherapy, which took place on 26 November in Barcelona. Specific contributions came from Dr Laia Monné with a pre-congress workshop entitled "The applicability of proprioception to everyday life", Dr Laura Pacheco with a lecture on "Stretching applications for muscular injuries", Jordi Calvo and Ana Germán with the poster entitled "Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for chronic lateral epicondylitis and its related triggers points", Dr Martín Barra with the poster "Treatment of myofascial trigger points in the teres major muscle in patients diagnosed with subacromial syndrome" and Dr Carlos López with the poster "Effectiveness of diacutaneous fibrolysis in chronic epicondylalgia according to K. Ekman"

The Catalan Society of Physiotherapy is a body with links to the Academy of Medical Sciences and Health of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and brings together a group of entrepreneurial members with an interest and a desire to improve the everyday practice of physiotherapy. According to the president of the Scientific Society of Physiotherapy, Montse Nuevo, the annual congress came into being "with the goal of expressing physiotherapy through the highest possible levels of scientific rigor while providing a meeting point to catch up with the latest developments in our ever-changing and evolving profession."