
The Faculties of Medicine of the Catholic University of Argentina and UIC Barcelona sign a cooperation agreement

At the beginning of December, Dr Miguel Ángel Schiavone, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) and Dr Xavier Corbella, Vice Dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences signed an academic cooperation agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to foster rotation and work placements for final year medical degree students, joint research work into the areas of neuroscience and sleep, the double UCA-UIC degree course on Healthcare Management Services and training in medical education and other postgraduate courses. All of these activities will be carried out under specific work agreements.

An international conference was convened on the same day aimed at attracting healthcare professionals from the biomedical field under the title “The crisis is here to stay in the healthcare sector. The viewpoint of a healthcare manager”. It was held on the University Campus of the UCA in Puerto Madero with presentations from Dr Xavier Corbella, Dr Schiavone and Dr María Cristina Ferrari, Course Director of Senior Management of Quality in Health Services at UCA.