
The Faculty of Dentistry celebrates their patron saint on Saint Apollonia Day

As well as the traditional photography competition, this year an event was also held in conjunction with the Official Society of Ophthalmologists and Stomatologists of Catalonia.

On 8 February, the Faculty of Dentistry celebrated the festivities for Saint Apollonia Day, the patron saint of dentists.  During the event, various activities to celebrate this day with all the students from the faculty were held.

The VI edition of the Photography competition was a success once again since, on this occasion, a total of 85 people participated. They presented their best photographs under the “dentistry” category, aimed at students and lecturers/professors, as well as under the “open” category, available to all Faculty staff members.  Under the category of dentistry, the first prize was awarded to Berta Paulo with her image entitled “Cuando menos te lo esperas… la vida te sonríe”. She won some Q_Optic 2’5x HD lenses by Sanhigia. The second prize was awarded to Marco Vinattieri for his photograph entitled “Capilaridad” and he won a Bien Air Tornado XLed turbine.  Under the “open” category, the prize was awarded to Laura Dueso for her photograph entitled “En la cuerda floja”. She won a NK sports camara. 

Also, for the first time a joint Conference organised by both the Faculty of Dentistry and the Official Society of Ophthalmologists and Stomatologists of Catalonia was held between 8 and 9 February, with participation from the most representative dentistry organisations in Catalonia.  The first part of the “Joint Saint Apollonia Event” was held at the COEC and allowed both students and lecturers/professors to hold a debate on issues that are of great interest in the field, entitled “Current controversies in dentistry”. 

On 9 February, the second day of the event, a mass was held in Montsió Monastery, in Esplugues de Llobregat, where the relics of Santa Apollonia are kept.  During the event, Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the faculty, gave a speech on the bioethics of  clinical practice in dentistry and training for future dentists.