
The Faculty of Education signs two agreements with international universities

Based on these two agreements, our education students can attend a summer course at the University of California (Berkeley) and work with other students from the University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty (Kazakhstan).

The agreement signed with Berkeley, one of the five best universities in the world and the number one state university, involves preferential access to University of California Summer Courses. Through this agreement, and by accrediting a level of English that is equivalent to a Certificate of Advanced English (CAE, University of Cambridge), students from our Faculty of Education can take credits for different subjects that will be officially recognised as part of their Bachelor's Degree in Pre-Primary or Primary Education.

On the other hand, the agreement signed with the University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty (Kazakhstan) means that students from the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona will be able to do practical work. This practical work will involve correcting and commenting on the written expression texts written by Spanish language students from the Kazakh university.

The aim behind the move towards internationalisation in degree programmes for our future teachers is to offer students the opportunity to gain prestigious international experience through these agreements. They will also have the chance to learn about new perspectives in the field of education, exchange good practices, develop new skills and generally improve their education.