
The Faculty of Education at ‘Thinking to Learn’, organised by the Family Education Institute

On 3 and 4 November, three lecturers and twelve students from the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona attended the “Thinking to Learn” workshop led by Robert Swartz, director of the Centre for Teaching Thinking, and David Perkins, co-founder of Harvard University’s Project Zero.

The workshop was organised by the Family Education Institute and took place at La Farga, one of the Institute’s affiliated schools. During the two-day workshop, the two prestigious speakers guided participants through examples and teaching practices on how to use routines and thinking skills for an in-depth understanding of content and how to transfer learning to real life. According to the speakers, teachers should strive to design good teaching units that enhance critical thinking skills and promote a deep understanding.

The event, entitled “Prepare Students for the Challenges of 2040”, was attended by close to 300 teachers and education professionals, who had the opportunity to listen to the two renowned speakers and take part in over 12 hours of cooperative thinking workshops.