
The Faculty of Humanities wraps up a successful eighth edition of the Philosophy Seminar

The monthly event, open to lecturers and anyone interested in Philosophy, has become a forum for reflection


“Philosophy is an activity we love in and of itself, as the only thing we gain from it is understanding; practical activities, on the other hand, provide benefits that go beyond the activity itself”.  Or so said Aristotle, one of the protagonists of the UIC Barcelona Philosophy Seminar, intended primarily for upper secondary school students, which recently wrapped up a successful eighth edition.

The monthly seminar, also open to lecturers and anyone interested in Philosophy, has become a forum for reflection on the different schools of thought that have influenced humans over the course of our history and continue to have an impact on culture today.

It also includes some of the authors featured in the University Entrance Exams (PAU). As part of the initiative, in November, Dr Xavier Escribano delivered the lecture “The Sphinx’s Deadly Questions”, while, in December, Dr Bernat Torres gave the talk “On Education in Plato: Caring for the Soul and Body”. 

In January, Dr Miriam Vidal-Quadras presented “Aristotle and Admiration of Reality”, while the following month, Dr Vianney Domingo discussed “Moral Agency in Descartes”. In addition to this, Dr Magdalena Bosch analysed the “Keys to Nietzsche’s Aesthetics”, while Dr Jaume Armengou brought the seminar to an end with a talk on “Ethics and Technology”.