
The Faculty of Law organises a session with Cuatrecasas

The conference was given by Ricardo Álvarez, deputy director of Value Added Tax of the Directorate General for Taxation, who explained the latest developments in the sector

The Faculty of Law organised a new session of the webinar focused on current VAT taxation on the 23 May with the law firm Cuatrecasas. The session was given by Ricardo Álvarez, general assistant director of Excise Duties from the Directorate General for Taxation, with the participation of Meritxell Yus, partner at Cuatrecasas, and Dr Salvador Durany, director of the UIC Barcelona-specific col·laboració de Meritxell Yus, sòcia de Cuatrecasas, i del Dr. Salvador Durany, director del Master's Degree in Taxation Law: Planning and Guidance (MAF).

Álvarez focused the explanation on current issues in VAT matters for next year, such as the EU Directive 2020/284 of Payment Service Providers, the modification of the import regime of electronic commerce, as well as the extensions of the reduction of VAT on some products like olive oil to contribute to the reduction of the final price of these foods.

The webinar was attended by students of the MAF and the PAF (Master’s Degree in taxation Law and Postgraduate Degree in Tax Consultancy), lecturers and tax professionals interested in the subject. The Faculty of Law has been organising this training for years, promoted by the Master's Degree in Taxation Law: Planning and Guidance, in collaboration with Cuatrecasas. According to Durany, director and lecturer of the Master’s Degree, this relationship with the law firm “allows us to offer our students and law professionals presentations with the main players in the tax world, allowing them to update their knowledge of this material and contribute to their continuous training”.